Author Guidelines

a. Title: The title must be a researchable topic. It should not be more than 25 words and must contain both Dependent and Independent variables.

b. Author(s). The details of the author(s) must include the name (First name first, followed by the middle name and the surname last). Ensure Affiliation, email address, and phone contact are available.

c. Abstract. (300 or fewer words). The abstract must give a clear account of the scope of the paper.

d. Keywords. The keywords should not be more than 5 words. The first letter of the first keyword must be in upper case while other words should be in lower case. The keywords must adequately reflect the paper.

e. Introduction. It may contain a literature review that reveals the gap in the previous studies that led to the present study.

f. Statement of the problem

g. Purpose of the study/study objectives:

h. Research questions: Clarity, importance, and novelty are essential elements of a quality research question. The manuscript should define all elements of the research question.

i. Literature Review. Give brief literature if not combined with an introduction.

j. Theoretical (Optional)

k. Methodology. (Research Method). The methodology must include the followings:

I. Design;

II. Population;

III. Sample and sampling;

IV. Data collection tools;

V. Data collection procedures; and

VI. Data analysis.

l. Ethical considerations.

m. Limitations.

n. Results and Discussion. (Separated or combined)

o. Conclusion.

p. Recommendations. The article must distinguish clearly between opinion and empirical evidence.

q. Disclosure Statement.

r. References. (APA referencing style) The article must clearly reference citations and quotations using the 7th APA System.

s. Length of Article: The full paper should be not more than 4,500 words (or less) or 15 pages excluding the references and abstract.

t. Font Type and Size. Use Times New Roman font type with 12 points size.

u. Plagiarism Test: Run a plagiarism test and indicate the index.

v. APA Paper Formatting Basics: All text should be double-spaced. Use one-inch margins on all sides. All paragraphs in the body are indented. Make sure that the title is centered on the page with your name and school/institution underneath. Use 12-point font throughout. All pages should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner.


Editor-In-Chief, JIEA,

President, IAIIEA.

23rd March 2023.